We are having record lows in this part of the country - steady -30 degrees Celsius and lower. You would think that the beginning of March would be heading into the spring type temperatures....safe to plan a move right! Well not so, we moved my daughter this weekend and both days of the move were -34.... let me tell you the move was done in record time, I must admit I got the easy job of staying in and loading stuff. My husband is still chilled to the bone. Although they are in their new town home, it is in utter chaos, my daughter has her work cut out for her.
Spring is on my mind, I just wish it would get here. I have signed up the the BSBP again and have already got my partner, got my soup and started a project....how cool is that! My partner is from my neighbouring province so it has been easy for us. For a newbie, Gayle sent me a great soup, full of challenges..stayed tuned.
With spring on my mind and a plethora of my favourite beads on hand and being way too cold outside to do anything ......look what I have made. Peyote has been my stitch of choice lately, I find it very soothing.
As previously mentioned my daughter is in Special Effects Makeup Design school, and was in need of a photographer. I decided to hone my skills and signed up for a photography course to help her out. It was a high intensity exciting weekend course, totally exhausting but oh so rewarding. I will definitely be able to help her out with her portfolio. I am not yet allowed to post the models I photographed but here is one that I took of my daughter. I am totally loving this!
Molly Alanna |